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Ruthy Alon developed Bones for Life in her seventies to combat osteoporosis. It is a concrete program of ninety movement education processes based on Feldenkrais fundamentals. While Feldenkrais is a wide-open exploration of movement and learning, Bones for Life has the intention of training a human being to align their skeleton to gravity so that the stream of gravity runs through the bones and joints in congruent lines. Bones grow stronger when properly loaded.  


Using the principles of Feldenkrais, the components of an efficient walk are introduced and slowly built into everyday activities such as walking and even falling. As a person gains the kinesthetic awareness of what skeletal load feels like, they can begin to apply it to all areas of their life – standing, sitting, sports, and hobbies. This applies gentle stress to bones which improves bone density, reduces joint pain, enables free movement, and develops good posture.


Walk for Life utilizes many of the ideas from Bones for life but adds the use of walking poles. Efficient use of poles adds a dimension to walking by transforming a person back into a quadruped. Using poles revitalizes your shoulders and upper body from the disuse characterized by our industrialized society. 


About Ruthy Alon


Ruthy Alon was one of Moche Feldenkrais' first teachers. She started studying and teaching the Feldenkrais method in her thirties; she has since taught internationally and led training programs around the world. In her seventies, she developed Bones for Life to build bones in order to mitigate bone loss and osteoporosis. You can read more about her accomplishments at Bones for Life.

​© 2016 byMovement Therapeutics

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